For your information

  • Please be aware the bar is card only but accepts all cards.

  • Should you wish to bring your own confetti we please ask that it is real fresh or dried petals. Biodegradable confetti is not permitted at the venue. There will however be confetti readily available!

  • RSVP: Please RSVP by the 1st June 2025 at the very latest to Natasha on 07588555084 or Matt on 07955558327, or alternatively click here where you can RSVP and select your menu options, and suggest a song you might hear at the wedding! If you're able to RSVP as soon as possible, that would be so helpful to us. If we don't hear from you after this date then unfortunately we will count you as not attending and as such won't have a seat or food reserved for you.

  • GIFTS: Your company on our wedding day is the greatest gift we could possibly ask for. However, should you wish to give us a gift, we would be so grateful with a contribution towards our honeymoon!